1P-LSD Blotters For Sale Online

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1P-LSD Blotters For Sale Online. 1P-LSD (1-propanoyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) is a psychedelic drug of the lysergamide class that is a derivative ja functional analogue of LSD and a homologue of ALD-52. It originated in 2015 when it appeared a designer drug sold online.[1][2][3][4][5][6] It modifies the LSD molecule by adding a propionyl group to the nitrogen molecule of LSD’s indole group


Like ALD-52, 1P-LSD is believed to act as prodrug for LSD via hydrolysis of the propionyl group. When 1P-LSD is incubated in human serum,[9] administered intravenously to rats,[10] or administered either orally or intravenously to human subjects,[11] high levels of LSD and relatively low levels of 1P-LSD are quickly detected, demonstrating that 1P-LSD is rapidly hydrolyzed into LSD in vivo following ingestion. Indeed, following intravenous administration in humans 1P-LSD is detectable in serum for no longer than 4 hours, after which it is completely converted to LSD.[11] These findings are supported by the similar duration and behavioral effects of 1P-LSD and LSD in both animal and human experiments.[9][11]


The subjective effects of 1P-LSD are not well defined in the scientific literature, although they are generally thought to be comparable to that of LSD.[12] In a 2020 study, the qualitative effects of 1P-LSD and LSD were similar when measured using visual analog scales.

Legal status

As of 2015, 1P-LSD is unscheduled in the Yhdysvallat ja Canada, but may be considered illegal if sold or used for human consumption as a structural analog of LSD under the Federal Analogue Act in the US.[9] 1P-LSD is a prohibited or controlled substance in Australia, France,[13] Finland,[14] Denmark,[15] Germany,[16] Estonia,[17] Japan,[18] Latvia,[19] Norway,[20] Romania,[21] Sweden,[22] Switzerland,[23] United Kingdom,[24] Italy,[citation needed] Singapore,[25] the Czech Republic,[26] and Croatia.[27] 1P-LSD has been illegal in Russia since 2017 as an LSD derivative.[28]



50, 100, 250, 500, 1000

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Tämä on kolmas tilaukseni, ja kaikki on ollut hienoa tähän mennessä. Tilaukseni jaettiin kahteen pakettiin, joista toinen toimitettiin kahden päivän kuluttua ja toinen päivää myöhemmin. Diskreetti pakkaus, ystävällinen ja avulias asiakaspalvelu, jos tarvitset sitä.

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Ensimmäistä kertaa stonersmeds.com. Loistavat tuotteet, helppo tilata, todella hyvä ja nopea viestintä ja melko hyvä toimitusaika. Käyttäisin uudelleen ilman muuta ja suosittelisin helposti muillekin.


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Jeremy Pinet

Fantastinen asiakaspalvelu, joka vastasi nopeasti ja toimitus kesti vain noin viikon - tilaus oli hieman väärä, mutta silti hieno kokemus. 10/10


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