Space Cadet Herbal Incense
Order quality herbal incense from Rxchemlab today at a good price. Assorted brands. space cadet herbal incense 10g.
Lab certified: Does not contain AM-2201, JWHI8, JWH73, HU210, CP47, 497, HU-210, HU-211, and AM – 694,
Cannabicyclohezanol or any other prohibited ingredients. Nicotine & Tobacco-free. space cadet 100x flight risk
Disclaimer: This product is intended only to be used as an aromatic potpourri only. It is not designed or intended for human consumption. Both the manufacturers and retailers of this product take no responsibility for the incorrect use or misuse of this product. We also have other k2 products you can check out. Contact us for more information. space cadet 100x flight risk
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