Buy 3-FPM Powder Online

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Buy 3-FPM Powder Online|3 FPM Powder For Sale Online

Buy 3-FPM Powder Online. 3-FPM is a derivative of phenmetrazine- a once-popular stimulant substance that was clinically used as an anorectic in Europe in the 1950s. It produces its activity by increasing the levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. 3-Fluorophenmetrazine (3-FPM) is a synthetic molecule of the amphetamine family. Scientists report that 3-FPM had similar classical stimulant outcomes comparable to those of amphetamine. We have top quality 3-FPM pellets for sale, each containing 50mg of 3-FPM. 3-FPM Powder For Sale Online

HOW TO USE 3-FPM Powder?

At Legit Research Chemicals you can buy 3-FPM online pressed into 50mg of high-quality pellets. In addition, we also have 3-FPM high-quality powder for sale. Store the pellets in a dry and cool place for maximum life. When handling research chemicals ensure to always take the proper precautions in the laboratory like wiping down surfaces and wearing gloves, a mask & protective clothing.


The definition of 3-FPM is officially known as 3-Fluorophenmetrazine, 3F-Phenmetrazine and PAL-593. The once-popular substance in the 1950’s is a derivative of phenmetrazine. 3-FPM was first synthesized in a patent filed in 2011.


3-Fluorophenmetrazine is a synthetic molecule of the amphetamine family and a derivative of phenmetrazine. Molecules of this class contain a phenethylamine core. This core is comprised of a phenyl ring bound to an amino group through an ethyl chain substituted with a methyl group (i.e. amphetamines are alpha-methylated phenethylamines). Very little data exists about 3-Fluorophenmetrazine. Due to the lack of scientific research on its properties, it is highly advised to use harm reduction practices if using this substance.


You can buy 3-FMA Powder can be purchased here on the Nordic Chemicals website. We have premium quality 3-FPM for sale, typically in pellets. However, we often have other substance forms available, so feel free to contact us to see if we have your preferred substance form in stock. You must be at least 18 years old to buy 3-FPM from us.

Ďalšie informácie


5 G, 10 G, 50 G, 100 G, 250 G, 500 G, 1 KG

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mike van Dingenen

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Josep Martinez

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Legit dobre urobil všetkým Jednoduchý prevod s krypto rýchlym dodaním Morrocon hnedá má je krásna Priniesol spomienky na moju mladosť Odporúčam

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Skvelý produkt a rýchle dodanie !

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Druhá objednávka, úžasné. Dobre zabalené, skvelý produkt. Viac ako spokojný!
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