Buy Blue Meanies Mushrooms Online

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Buy Blue Meanies Mushrooms Online

Blue Meanies Mushrooms is obscure. Part of the reason why their history isn’t clear is because of some naming confusion.

That’s because there are two different magic mushrooms called Blue Meanie. The original Blue Meanie was a species of magic mushrooms called Panaeolus cyanescens.

These pan cyans are much different than the more common Psilocybe cubensis strains you likely know and love. Pan cyans are small, thin, turn blue easily, and are usually white.

Then, at some point, someone in SouthEastern Australia found some P. cubensis mushrooms in the wild and collected them. After culturing them for a while, he dubbed them Blue Meanie and started sending out spores all over the world.

So to clear up any confusion, the Blue Meanie you see here are the P. cubensis version.

Appearance of Blue Meanie Magic Mushrooms

Blue Meanie magic mushrooms are a sight to behold. They grow with a thin stem and a wide golden-yellow cap in beautiful clusters.

When dried, Blue Meanies start to look like their namesake. That’s because when you open the bag, you may find a blue tint on the Blue Meanies.

That blue tint is called bruising, and it actually happens to every magic mushroom strain. Bruising can occur during harvest, when moving the mushrooms, or even in storage.

However, it seems like Blue Meanie magic mushrooms bruise more easily than other mushrooms. That might be because of its potency—since the blue color comes from the air interacting with the psychedelický compound psilocybin.

Luckily, bruising doesn’t affect the potency or the safety of your Blue Meanie magic mushrooms—so no worries!

Účinky Blue Meanie Magic Mushroom 

Blue Meanie magic mushrooms will give you feelings of pure euphoria and oneness with the world. Not only that, but on higher doses, you’ll experience incredible visual and auditory hallucinations that will blow your mind—in a good way, of course.

Taking Blue Meanie Magic Mushrooms Recreationally

If you’re out on a camping trip or hanging out at home, Blue Meanie magic mushrooms are a great choice. However, you’ll want to be very careful about dosing because these shrooms are extremely potent.

So long as you dose correctly, you’ll be having a blast with everyone around you. Not only that, but you’ll feel a deep connection and understanding with the people and environment surrounding you.

To have the best recreational experience possible, you’ll want to make sure to take your Blue Meanie shrooms safely. By safe, we mean don’t drive anywhere after taking the shrooms, and don’t put yourself into any dangerous situations.

Always be prepared for your entire trip, which can last upwards of six hours. Bring enough food, water, and music to keep the good vibes flowing.

How to Dose Blue Meanie Magic Mushrooms

As we mentioned, Blue Meanie magic mushrooms are much more potent than your average Pcubensis mushroom. That means that you need to be very careful when dosing them, especially if you’re a beginner.

If you’ve never dosed before, then here’s a handy guide:

  • .25 grams (g) for a threshold dose (should feel something)
  • .25-1g for a light dose (recreational dose)
  • 1-2.5g for a medium dose (recreational dose)
  • 5-5g for a strong dose (recreational to spiritual dose)
  • 5g+ for a heavy dose (spiritual dose)

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